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Volume 3, Issue 3


Ranking Electoral Systems through Hierarchical Properties Ranking

Cioni, Lorenzo

Year: 2009   Volume: 3   Issue: 3   Pages: 254-269

Abstract: Electoral systems are characterized by a wide spectrum of properties that cannot be all satisfied at the same time. We aim at examining such properties within a hierarchical framework, based on Analytic Hierarchy Process, performing pairwise comparisons at various levels of a hierarchy to get a global ranking of the electoral systems. In this way it should be possible to estimate the relative importance of each property with respect to the final ranking of every electoral formula.

JEL classification: C43, C44, D71, D72

Keywords: Electoral systems, global ranking, hierarchy, aggregations

RePEc: http://ideas.repec.org/a/fau/aucocz/au2009_254.html

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